Sunday, September 14, 2008


I was able to spend my birthday today with my family at Cisco Church of Christ's 90th Anniversary.  The people at this congregation are very important to me and my family.  We lived in Cisco for almost 10 years and were very active in the church there.  Just walking into the building brought back so many memories for me.  I'll share just a few:
  • I remember the first Bible class teacher I had there.  I didn't want to go to class because I was in a new place, but Mrs. Maxine Smith made me feel so welcome.  She has long since left this earth, but I will always remember her as a wonderful role model and great Bible class teacher.
  • I remember mom being the church secretary and so Joey, Tami and I spent lots of time there when no one was in the building except us while mom worked.  Joey would conduct church when he got the chance, but Tami and I liked to pretend like we were singers and put on concerts.
  • I remember being baptized the Sunday night before we moved away.  I knew I had to do it there because that's where a lot of the people were that helped mold and shape me into the Christian that I am, even today.
I am thankful that I was able to take my husband and family back to the church where I grew up.  And it was so good to see faces that I had not seen in a long time!

The picture on the right is just the "original" five that attended church there from 1978-1987.  The picture below is all of us who went today.


Anonymous said...

So glad we were all able to go yeserday. Wethought it was a great day and we enjoyed showing off our kids and grandkids. It did bring back lots of wonderful memories of being there.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to YOU! (A day late!) Looked like a good day for you. Take Care!

Leslye said...

Glad the pictures turned out well! I saved them from your blog, but do you mind emailing the original sized ones to me? It was fun getting to all be together!

Anonymous said...

It was a great day! I was glad to be able to show off my lovely wife and it was fun to see people!

Anonymous said...

Precious memories indeed; glad all of you had such a blessed day!

Gary said...

I found your blog in my junk email we can keep up with you guys better...wish we had more time to blog ourselves. maybe soon.

gary vaughn