Monday, November 10, 2008

Isn't it great?!

Jason led singing last night and this isn't the first time the boys have gone up there with him, but it's the first time I remembered to bring my camera.  I felt a little funny snapping pictures during worship service, but I just had to get it captured.  

I think it is so great that 1) Jason will let them go up there, 2) that they will go up there, and 3) that the church encourages them when they do go up there and lead a song.  They usually get to go during the last song.  Last night's pick was "Jesus Loves Me" so they each had a song book they could easily hold with that song in it.

It's very encouraging to me as a Christian mom to see my two children leading a song so young.  I just pray that they will continue to be leaders -- not only song leaders, but eventually leaders in the Lord's church one day.  Isn't it great what God can do?!


Joey said...

Yes it is great what God can do... and it makes for one very proud uncle, too!

Anonymous said...

...and it makes me very proud of my "pretend" grandkids!

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful what God can do! We are very proud of Jaden and Jaxon but also proud of their parents for being such wonderful Christian examples to them.

Unknown said...

What a great sight to see Jason with the boys doing something so special! Thanks for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

You will treasure this photo...what a wonderful thing for your boys to get up there with daddy. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

i wish i could have been there for that i coulded have helped sing also