Monday, September 1, 2008

Fun With Family

I am so thankful that we live close to family.  I'm glad that my parents have moved closer to us (Abilene) so we get to see them more often.  I'm also glad that my brother married someone from Snyder because that means when they visit her family, they get to visit us, too.  (Of course, that's not the only reason we're glad he married Leslye  :-)    We are just so blessed to live near mine and Jason's family not only because we get to see them, but so our children can grow up knowing them and being close to them as well.

We had a fun weekend with Nana, Pawpaw, Uncle Joey and Aunt Leslye.  My mom and dad came to spend Saturday and  Sunday with us.  Joey and Leslye got to stay until Monday.  One of the reasons they all came was to swim one last time before it got too cold. my opinion it was already too cold.  But we had a few who decided to "brave" the water.

First, there were three who were a little hesitant.

Then, Jaden decided he would be the first to jump in.  This picture doesn't do the look on his face justice.  It was definitely a look of shock.

Once Jason got in, Jaxon thought he would, too.  His was the most priceless look though.  To me, his face said, "what am I doing -- this is cold!"

My mom got in, too, but of course she wouldn't let me take a picture of her.  :-)   They said after they swam a while, it wasn't too bad and they had fun.  (Just a side note -- I actually got in the pool this afternoon with Jason, Jaden and Jaxon, who only put his feet in today, and it really wasn't too bad.  So, I guess we can say we swam all the way into September.  I have a feeling today was my last for the year, though.)

Sunday night after church and going to Whataburger, Joey and Leslye came over to the house to play games.  Jaden and Jaxon had a great time playing with someone besides mom and dad.  

They were very sad when Uncle Joey and Aunt Leslye had to leave today.  The boys are quite attached to them.  It could have something to do with the fact that they pretty much do anything Jaden and Jaxon ask them to do, huh?  I, personally, wouldn't have it any other way.  


  1. We had a wonderful time this weekend! I agree with you - the pool was too cold! We still had the Whataburger Woogie in our heads when we got home last night! The boys were so funny in their performances of it! We had lots of fun playing with the them! Can't wait until next time!

  2. Hey... I got in the pool, too! And it wasn't bad after you got used to it. We really wanted to go swimming Monday, but we just didn't have time. We had lots of fun playing with them and I am glad we live close as well. It about killed me living so far away in Missouri when I couldn't see my family (especially my nephews!) I'm ready for next time.

