Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We call it...CRAZY HAIR!

Yes, it's crazy.  And what's even crazier is that Jaden wore his hair like this ALL day!  That's right.  For many years now (well, at least three or four), we've done this after a bath.  We've made crazy hair.  And then we would just laugh about it and comb it down!  

As I was combing Jaden and Jaxon's hair this morning, Jaden asked if he could wear crazy hair today.  I thought "why not?"  So, he did.  Jaxon wanted to also, but his hair is still baby fine and wouldn't stand up longer than for me to snap a picture.

I found it truly amazing, as did Jaden, how many women complimented him on the new style, and how many men asked him "did you stick your finger in a light socket?"  He would just laugh and, of course, liked getting all the attention.


  1. Styling! And he was proud of it!

  2. I think they look really cute. Look a little like some of the boys in school.


  3. What a fun picture! Very cute crazy hair!

  4. Stylin and profilin!

    Just think, it won't be long he'll be trying to get all the girls... oh wait, he already does!
