Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Comedian on Our Hands

My husband has told me that this might not translate in writing to be nearly as funny as it was to actually be there, but I'm going to give it a try anyway.

Last night we were on our way home from Lubbock.  We were just riding along and something made Jason bring up the old Pete and Repeat joke.  

Jason: "Jaden, I have a story for you."  
Jaden: "Ok."
Jason:  "There were two brothers who went into a store.  One's name was Pete and the other's name was Repeat.  Pete came out of the store.  Which one was still inside?"
Jaden:  "Repeat."
Jason:  "There were two brothers who went into a store.  One's name was Pete and the other's name was Repeat.  Pete came out of the store.  Which one was still inside?"
Jaden:  "Repeat."
Jason:  "There..."
Jaden:  "Ok, Dad.  That's enough."

Then after some giggling amongst all of us, Jaxon said, "Dad, do it to me."

Jason:  "There were two brothers who went into a store.  One's name was Pete and the other's name was Repeat.  Pete came out of the store.  Which one was still inside?"
Jaxon:  "Repeat."
Jason:  "There were two brothers who went into a store.  One's name was Pete and the other's name was Repeat.  Pete came out of the store.  Which one was still inside?"
Jaxon:  "Repeat."
Jason:  "There were two brothers who went into a store.  One's name was Pete and the other's name was Repeat.  Pete came out of the store.  Which one was still inside?"
Jaxon:  "Jesus."

He said "Jesus" very matter-of-fact-like and then just started with his cute little giggle.  We love it when he makes himself laugh.  And this made us crack up, too.  It was so funny!

Earlier before this happened, Jason was trying to get Jaxon to say "foot" because we've noticed that he doesn't say his "Fs" yet.  So, Jason said, "Jaxon, say foot."  Jaxon smiled at him, paused a minute and said, "hand."  This made him giggle at himself and in turn made us laugh, too.  Then he liked the fact that we were laughing and would continue.  Jason said, "say ear, Jaxon."  And Jaxon said, "nose."  And then he would just giggle loudly at himself again.  This went on for a while -- until we ran out of body parts anyway.

Hope you found this at least almost as funny as we did.  I guess we have a comedian in the making.  :-)


  1. I laughed out loud and read it to Joey, Gran, Andra, and Courtney and they all laughed too! Too funny!

  2. Very funny! Wait... can you repeat that again?
