Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cooking With Mom

Yesterday Jaden, Jaxon and I spent some time together in the kitchen.  We gave Jaden a kid's cookbook for Christmas and he has been wanting to cook something out of it.  So, after they helped me make Trash (which is our name for chex party mix), then they got to make popsicles and peanut butter cookies that were both from his cookbook.

Here is the Trash after it was done:
Here they are getting ready to pour the liquids they chose into the popsicle molds:
And here they are making the peanut butter cookies.  Jaxon got to use the mixer for a while and Jaden cracked two eggs all by himself -- and without ANY eggshells in the cookie dough:
We had lots of fun and they even stayed and helped me through until almost the end.  They were willing to try a cookie after they came out of the oven -- yummy!


  1. Pretty cute chefs who made delicious cookies! Thanks for sharing them with the Subway Club!

  2. Sounds like fun. Good looking chefs!

  3. I love their aprons! Did you make them? And Happy Anniversary!
