Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Surprise Weekend!

Just so you know, this entry is about me and only one of the boys I live with -- the oldest one, the one I've been married to for 15 years.

Jason took me on a surprise weekend for our anniversary.  And when I say surprise, I mean it.  Everything was a mystery to me -- from the place we stayed, to the places we ate, to the things he had planned for us to do.  Everything!  I LOVE surprises -- so it was very exciting for me!

For those of you who know us well, and know I do ALL the packing when we travel -- well, you may be a little concerned that I didn't know what to pack.  And I didn't.  But Jason did a great job helping with that.  

So, if you're interested, here's a daily account of what happened.

Day One
We dropped Jaden and Jaxon off at Jason's parents house and headed somewhere.  Remember, at the time I had no idea where we were going.  We drove and drove and drove and reached Junction, Texas, and had a picnic lunch by the Llano River.  It was perfect weather for a picnic!  Here we are just about to eat.

After we finished our picnic, we got back in the car and drove some more.  Yes, we were in the car for a lot of the day, but it was really nice to just listen to the music we wanted to listen to and talk about things by ourselves.  Anyway, we kept driving until we finally reached our destination -- a bed and breakfast in Canyon Lake, Texas.  It was a great surprise.  We've never stayed at a bed and breakfast before and I highly recommend it for a nice get-away.  This one was called Biscuit Hill Bed & Breakfast.  Here is a picture of the outside of the room where we stayed.
They even had a sweetheart's tray waiting for us to snack on when we got there:  cheese, strawberries, grapes, crackers, sparkling grape juice and even flowers for me.  
Here we are in our room before going out to supper that night -- January 8th -- our 15th anniversary (in case you didn't already know that  :-).
The next surprise in store was where we were going for supper.  Jason took me to Gruene, Texas.  I've always wanted to go there and so this was another fun surprise.  We walked around town a little and then ate at Adobe Verde -- a delicious mexican food restaurant.  After supper, we walked back to Gruene Hall to hear a band for awhile.  It was fun!  Not much significant in this picture, just one of Gruene.

Day Two
The next morning before we ate breakfast, we went out to feed the deer right outside our room.  Here Jason is throwing the deer some corn and they came right up in front of us to eat it.
The next surprise was a little hard for me to believe once I found out about it.  After breakfast, we got in the car and started driving again.  After about 20 minutes of what looked to be that we were going to the middle of nowhere, Jason stopped the car in a parking lot where there was a sign with a picture of a person ziplining.  Yes, that's right, folks -- we went on a Zipline Adventure.  I would say I was a little -- no, a lot -- nervous when I found out about it.  I thought Jason had LOST HIS MIND.  But I can honestly say after doing it, that it was SO MUCH FUN and I would do it again.  If you think this first picture is one of me looking a little unsure about things -- then you're right!  At this point I was still in shock as to what we were about to do.

Here's Jason all harnessed up and ready to go -- literally.  He didn't sleep much the night before because he was so excited about this adventure.  
Here I goooooooo.....
And here goes Jason...

I have a video of me ziplining, but I can't get blogger to upload it, so I'll have to try it again later.

After we left the heights of the hills on the zipline, we headed down to the core of the earth -- well, almost.  We went to the Natural Bridge Caverns.  Here is Jason in front of the natural bridge.  

And here is a formation from one of our tours.  It was very interesting and lots of fun, although our legs were a little sore the next day from all the walking.
After all our adventures on Friday, we got dressed up and went to a very nice steakhouse in New Braunfels.  Our waitress (who took GREAT care of us) took this picture for us after she brought us a piece of delicious chocolate cake to help us celebrate our anniversary.  Yum-yum!

Day Three
Another day of surprises was in store for Saturday.  After we ate breakfast, Jason took me to the outlet malls in San Marcos.  That's right.  He actually gave me money for a shopping spree and said, "Go. Spend."  Now, I ask you -- do I have the best husband in the world or what?  First, he gives me all kinds of surprises on this great trip and then he gives me money and takes me shopping for a whole day.  So, the answer to that question, my friends, is yes, yes I do!
After a day of shopping, we went to eat at Olive Garden (one of our favorites) and then he surprised me with tickets to a show.  Now, some of you may not know this, but we got married on Elvis' birthday.  Although that is not really significant to us, we do have a lot of people comment on it if they find out what day we got married.  So, it just so happened that the theater in New Braunfels was having a special show to celebrate Elvis and so we went.  This guy was an Elvis Tribute Artist and did a good job.  We had fun singing along and enjoyed the show!

Day Four
This morning, we got up and drove to New Braunfels for church.  Then we hit the road to get back to the boys and our life and reality in general.  Jason had one more surprise in store.  He came home by way of Fredericksburg so I was able to do a small amount of shopping there before we headed home.

Well, that's it.  I know this post is long, but I just had to share with you what my wonderful husband did for me.  I know that so much planning went into this weekend and he did a great job of keeping everything a secret.  Thanks, Jason, for an absolutely wonderful time!


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend! Jami, we still can't believe that you ziplined--when you hide your eyes going on the highest ramp on I30-35! :-) So glad you had a wonderful time--thank you Jason for being so thoughtful and loving Jami so much!!

  2. Yes, you have a wonderful husband!!! He did great at planning a perfect weekend for you.


  3. Sounds like a good time. I'm glad you had fun finding out where all those beans came from (ask Jason)!

  4. Wow! What a fun weekend! Glad you had a great anniversary celebration!

  5. That sounds really fun. I am glad that you guys got to do that. The only thing is that in the picture of your shopping bags there was for Gymboree. That isn't an adult store :) Take care! April
