Monday, March 23, 2009

It's Finally Here!

Well, even though baseball season started at our house the first day it was warm outside, today was the first "official" day for t-ball.  Jaden had his first practice today and was sooooo excited!
Ever since his coach called on Friday night to let us know the first practice would be today, he kept saying, "Oh, I just can't wait until Monday."  Then today, he would say, "I wish my practice was this morning" or "I wish my practice was right after lunch" etc., etc., etc.

Practice started at 6:30 p.m.  We drove up to the field at 6:18 p.m. and he said, "Oh, no.  I think we're late."  Oh, my.  He's just like someone else I know -- and you know who you are.  :-)
Jason is not officially a coach, but is always willing to help out.  So, he got to take some of the kids and work on defense for a while.  
Jaxon enjoyed running to get the ball when one of the kids "overthrew" it.

This was Jaden's first at-bat in practice today.  Of course, I don't like to brag on my kid but let me just say that he hit the ball so hard the first time off the tee that there was a collective "wow!" from the parents and others watching.  

Ok.  So, I do like to brag.  After all, I am his mom!

Tonight, Jaden went to bed with a smile on his face saying, "Mom, I can't wait until my next practice tomorrow.  I wish it was in the morning..."


  1. Yea! I'm happy he gets to enjoy his favorite sport.

    Hopefully, we can get to a game this year... send us a schedule!

    I'll brag on him, he is a stud!

    Love ya!

  2. We can't wait until we can come to some of his games!! You can brag all you want -- we do! :-)
