Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

No, it's not really my birthday -- BUT, I got my birthday present from Jason and the boys today.  For those of you who don't know, my birthday was (or is) in September.  On my birthday last year I got a bicycle helmet and was told we would all go together to pick out a bicycle.  Well...time got a way from us and we got busy and before we knew it, it was winter and who wants to ride a bike when it's winter?

So, we went to a friend's graduation party in Lubbock today and afterwards, we went to Academy and got this:

And this:

Doesn't it look like fun?  We thought so and then we got home and headed out on our new bikes to Memaw and Poppa's house.  About halfway there we stopped to get a drink and seriously considered turning around and going back home.  But we didn't.  We pressed on.  And we made it.

We visited for a few minutes, drank some water, and rested.  Then...we seriously considered letting them take us home in the suburban.  But we didn't.  We got back on our bikes and headed home.  About halfway there we stopped to get a drink.  Jaden said, "Mom, I need my water, too.  I'm all hot and sweaty, too."  Jaxon said, "Yeah, this is hard work."  

HA!  They really had it rough, huh?

So, we made it home with very tired legs.  Once we got home, we decided that may have been a little ambitious for our first bicycle ride in how ever many years it has been.

We were so hot that we decided the cold water in the pool would feel good.  Soooooo, we got to jump in for the first time this year!  Yeah!  The boys were VERY excited and even though it was a little chilly, I thought it was kind of fun, too!
Yeah for summer!


  1. Sounds like fun! We need to get ours out too! They are still hangin' on the wall. Perhaps this week!

  2. Keep this up and you guys will be ready to race in the "Hotter than Hell" race in WF!! The boys looked really tired though!

  3. Sorry, anonymous was me. I pushed the wrong button.
