Friday, May 1, 2009

Long blog!

I realize it has been a while since I've sat down to blog.  I don't know why.  I guess because I haven't taken the time to do so.  So, I thought I would tonight.  We've had quite a bit going on lately.  T-ball is one of the main things.  I'll try to write more on that next week.

After the collective "woo-hoo" from our household on April 16, I forgot to write about what we did that day to celebrate.  The boys and I made Jason special pancakes for breakfast.  Jaden's cookbook has bear-shaped pancakes in it and he was determined to make those for Dad.  So, we did.  It was fun, and they were proud -- can't you tell?
And don't you love the great morning hair they are both sportin'?

Then, we all went out for a round of golf.  I was the official photographer while everyone else played golf.  Jaden and Jaxon had been wanting to play golf with Dad for a long time, so they thought this was the perfect day for it.  It was fun and a great day to spend together as a family!

After golf, we went to lunch at McDonald's and went home to play baseball.  All-in-all it was a great day!


  1. This will be a day that will always be special to all of you.

    mom west

  2. hey when i come back over do u think we could all go golf as a family thing
