Tuesday, May 12, 2009

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!

Just pretend like I'm there singing it to you -- anyway you want.  Either the slow old way:  "M-I-C...see you real soon.  K-E-Y...why? because we like you.  M-O-U-S-E.  

Or the fast new way:  "M-I-C-K-E-Y, ba-da-da-da, M-O-U-S-E.  It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse..."

We FINALLY got to meet Mickey Mouse today.  Both boys were very excited to see him (and Mom and Dad, too.)  We got to Toontown today just as it opened and were able to see Mickey and Minnie and Goofy without too long of a wait.

Now, remember how I told you that Jaxon RAN to Winnie the Pooh and gave him a hug, right?  And if you talked to him before we came on our trip, you know that he was super excited to meet Mickey Mouse and get his picture taken with him.  He would always say, "I'm going to get my picture taken with Mickey Mouse."  And then he would add, "...and Mommy you and me are going to get a picture with Mickey Mouse.  I'm going to stand beside Mickey and you're going to stand on the other side."  So, knowing that he ran to Pooh, do you think it happened?  Well, not exactly.  He walked up to him for his autograph but then he wouldn't take a picture with him by himself.  So, after we got one with Jaden, we started to walk away.  Jaxon said, "Mom!  Me and you are supposed to take a picture with him."

So, we did, and I'm glad, but I couldn't get him anywhere near Mickey!

So, now that I've told you that story, I'll start with the beginning of the day.  We got up early because we were able to go to the park an hour before it opened to the public.  We went to ride the Monorail around to the park and we got to get in the last car which was really lots of fun.  The boys thought it was pretty cool!

The rest of the day was filled with character pictures and rides.  Here are a few pics:

Jaxon went on his first roller coaster ride.  When we got off he said, "That was fun and scary!"  We decided that was probably what made it a good ride.

After we spent the morning in the park riding the rides, we headed back to our hotel for a rest but stopped off at the ESPN Zone to have lunch.  This was a neat place with TVs everywhere.  Jason really liked it and the food was good.  I guess we haven't had a lot of what we would call "normal" food since we've been here.  So, we ordered the boys mini cheeseburgers here and Jaden said, "Umm, this is good.  I'm so glad they have normal food."  It made us giggle.

After eating, we went back to the room for a while.  This is what 2 1/2 days at Disneyland does to three boys:

After resting and taking a quick dip in the pool, we headed back to the park for a few hours before it closed.  Here we are on King Triton's Carrousel:

And the flying Dumbo ride:

Then Jason and Jaden rode a roller coaster that Jaxon wasn't quite tall enough to ride, so we went for a walk and ran into Chip and Dale.  Jaxon was very excited about this.  He got their autograph and had his picture made.  We haven't figured him out yet.  First he talked about Mickey for three weeks and wouldn't hardly get near him, but then wanted to get his picture with these two.  Oh, well.  Whatever he wants, I guess!

The day ended with Jason and Jaden riding the Space Mountain roller coaster.  I wish I had had my camera out when they got off, but I didn't.  I asked Jaden if he liked it, and he said, "No.  It was dark."  With the look on his face I could tell he didn't like it, so I guess he won't be riding it with me tomorrow.  :-)


  1. What fun!!!! So many people to meet and glad you finally found Mickey Mouse, and lots of his friends. Keep going and be safe!
    love you.....
    Memaw & Poppa

  2. Glad you are having so much fun !!!
    Maybe Jaxon likes to hug Winnie, Chip and Dale because they are soft and fluffy. Thanks for sharing on the blog everyday!
    Love U.

  3. Looks like y'all are having SO much fun! I may be just a little jealous :)

  4. Helloooooo! Don't you know we are living out our vacation to Disneyland vicariously through you! We need some updates... plllleeeaaaassseeee!

    Hope you had fun in the wonderful world of Disney!

  5. The pics are so good, everyone looks like they are having a great time! You should see pics of us here, with toothpics holding our eyelids open! j/k Be careful and get your tails home!

    Love lots,

  6. Looks like a blast!! I just showed Benjamin the pics of you guys with Buzz Lightyear & Mater & McQueen and he thought that was too cool. What a fun trip!

    Seriously, I agree with Joey! We, too, are having our vacation via your blog!
