Monday, May 11, 2009

A Great Mother's Day!

Sunday was a very fun day filled with lots of togetherness, walking and adventure!  I can't possibly show you all the photos I've taken so far, so I'll try to give you a "taste" of what we've been doing.

We started the day going to Newland Street Church of Christ about 30 minutes from our hotel.  That was a blessing to our day -- the people were friendly and the service was nice.  

We then found a Red Robin to eat at before heading back to the hotel.  When we got back to the room, the boys were VERY ready to get to the park.  After all, by that time we had been here for almost 24 hours and still hadn't been to actual Disneyland.  So, we went to catch the Monorail train to get to Disneyland.  That was neat.  Jaxon just kept saying, "This is a cool train!"

This is my Mother's Day picture for 2009 with my boys -- in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle at Disneyland.  Isn't that cool?!  I think so.  :-)

We did a lot of walking around and caught a few shows.  We walked over to ride "The Many Adventure of Winnie the Pooh."  After we got off that ride, we saw THE Winnie the Pooh.  Now, before you see this photo, those of you who know Jaxon are going to be amazed!  We were.  He is usually VERY afraid of mascot-type characters.  He won't even go near Willie the Wildcat at ACU or our Snyder Tiger.  But, if you can believe it, he RAN to Winnie the Pooh and gave him a hug. 

We couldn't believe it, but were very excited that he was so excited!  Here are my three boys with Pooh.

Jaden was hilarious.  He said, "I'm going to bounce up to Tigger and see if he bounces back."  Well, it's Tigger.  Of course, he bounced back and Jaden thought that was so cool.

While waiting for the parade to start, Jaxon suckered his Daddy into a Mickey balloon with a "Can, I have a balloon -- eeeeaaassse? (That's the "please" you can't resist in Jaxon talk.)

Jaden got to dance with the cast members during the parade.  (In case you can't tell, he's in the black shirt.)

This was our first glimpse of Mickey during the parade.  Both Jaden and Jaxon were just waving and yelling at him.  They were so very excited to finally see him.

We ended the day with a spectacular fireworks show including Tinker Bell flying through the air.  It was a sight to see! 


  1. Jaxon, Memaw is soooo happy that you found Mickey and his friends. Have a good time and then you can tell us all about them when you get home.

    love you

  2. I can't wait to see all the pictures and hear all of the stories! Have lots of fun!

  3. Jaxon, we liked your picture with Winnie the Pooh!! Good dancing Jaden!! So glad you are all having a good time.

    Nana & PawPaw
