Monday, June 22, 2009

More Family Fun...

This time it was with Jason's family. We met up with them last Tuesday in Frisco for a few days together. We went to the Hawaiian Falls water park in The Colony on Wednesday -- all day long. We were water-logged and sunburn when we got through.
Then we met up with some good friends -- Scott and Sharla Reynolds and two of their three kids -- that night for supper at a neat place called Babe's.
Carter and Jaden did the "Hokey-Pokey" in the aisle with our waitress.
Then we went to the Reynolds' house for dessert afterward. It was great getting to see them and catch up. We just missed seeing their daughter, Sidney. She was at camp (so I "drew" her into this picture :-).
Thursday we got to do something special together. Eric was named the Young Engineer of the Year and we were all able to be at the luncheon to honor him. Here is Eric with his family after getting the award.

And here he is with a proud Poppa and Memaw with his award.
It was great to get to all be there together to see him get his award. We had a fun couple of days!

1 comment:

  1. It was a fun time. On the back of our programs was a list of the past YEOY, but Eric's name was missing, so Jaden wrote his name and the year on his program.
