Wednesday, July 22, 2009

VBS was a Circus...


I realize I haven't posted in a while, and here's why: I've been completely consumed with VBS for the past couple of weeks. But it is now over (woo-hoo!) and I wanted to share a little of it with you.

Here is the welcoming committee:

And here is Ringmaster Jason leading the kids in song:

Here are the decorations around the bigtop room:

Here is Jaden's classroom. I think he thought we were going to study Daniel and so he was pretending to be him. But since we didn't study Daniel, these were just supposed to be lions in a circus cage. Oh, well...a little more of the drama side of Jaden showing through. :-)

Here is Jaxon's classroom. They had a real circus tent and he thought that was cool.

Here is our clown "Tater" with Jason on the first night. He was a little confused about what was going on but we straightened him out every night. :0)
And here was Tater on the night we talked about Firewalkers (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego). He brought some "fire" friends. In case you can't tell the one on the left is Jaden and the one on the right is Tater's son, Byron.
All in all it was lots of fun, but I am relieved that it is over. We had so much GREAT help and we think it was a huge success! Praise God!

Tonight when we got home Jason and I were talking in the kitchen. All of a sudden we heard Jaden and Jaxon singing, "I may never march in the infantry, ride in the calvary, shoot the artillery. I may never fly o'er the enemy, but I'm in the Lord's Army -- Yes, Sir!" We both just smiled really big at each other and Jason said, "That's why we do VBS! That makes all the hard work worth it right there." I agree.


  1. Looks like a great time! The decor looks great!!

  2. Best lookin firefighter clown I've ever seen..........

  3. Looks like fun! VBS is a lot of work before and during, but it sure is rewarding when the kids remember things. The other day, one of the little kids came up and started singing the song we learned during our VBS the other day... and that is exciting to me!

    True, Praise God for things like that!

  4. Wow-- I really miss being a part of the same church as you guys! What a blessing you are to children's ministry. Looks like an awesome VBS.

    Hmmmm, a circus theme, huh? Sounds a little familiar...
