Monday, August 10, 2009

Gym Buddies

I'm going to give you this update, even though it is two weeks late, but yes I do have a life, and a very busy one at that and so just go with it and pretend you aren't mad at me for not updating my blog. :-)

The last week of July we went to Midland to stay with Eric (Jason's brother) and his family so that all four boys could go to Gym Buddies. It is a gymnastics place that has "summer camps" each week during the summer and the one we all chose to go to was a "campout" theme. We didn't tell Jaden and Jaxon until right before we went that they were going and they were very excited! But, I think if we told them they were going to go to the doctor and get shots with Carter and Andrew they would be excited just because they like being with them (OK, maybe not SHOTS, but you understand.)

Anyway, we went over Monday evening and got up Tuesday morning to take them to Gym Buddies. If you'll notice in this picture that three boys were very happy to be there...

I got this of Jaden jumping high on the trampoline...

But Jaxon decided that the trampoline in the backyard of Eric and April's house was just fine because Mommy was there and not at Gym Buddies. :-)

So, he and I got to spend some one-on-one time together and that was o.k. He did end up going the last day but was very ready to see me when I picked them up.

While we were in Midland for four days, all the kids had LOTS of fun together. Here's just a quick photo tour of just some of the things they did:

They decided a water park in the backyard was a great idea:
A little jumping on the trampoline while the sprinkler was shooting up through it:

Fun-fun! There was also basketball...
...trampoline dodge ball...

Dress up Super Heroes style...

...and I didn't get a picture of them playing the Wii which I personally think they did about 75 of the 96 hours we were there.

April even spiked all four of the boys hair one night before we went to eat. They thought they were stylin'...

...and Mallory thought they were crazy, so she stayed away. :-)
We had a great time! Thanks West family for letting us stay with you!

1 comment:

  1. what beautiful children, wonder who their grandparents are.....
