Friday, August 21, 2009

Jaxon and Mommy Fun!

Jaxon and I have had the chance to spend a lot of time together the last three days -- I guess it's a taste of what it's going to be like when you-know-what happens on Monday. :-)

Jason took Jaden on a father/son before school trip this week. They've been gone since Wednesday morning and will be back this evening. I'll get Jaden to help me blog about his special time with Daddy when they get back. Also, a camera was sent with them, so we'll see if there are any pictures.

It was easier on Jaxon than I thought it would be for them to go. I thought he would be really upset, but so far he's done well. He hasn't wanted me out of his sight for even a minute though. Understandable, I guess. When we told him that they were going to go, he said, "Oh, can I come, too?" We said no. And Jaden, trying to help things, said, "In two years when you go to Kindergarten, Daddy can take you on a trip and I'll stay home with Mommy." So, we'll see how well Jaden takes it at that time. :-)

Anyway, Jaxon and I haven't actually done a lot or gotten much accomplished, but we've had fun together and I know that's most important.

We started out Wednesday with "living room" church where he got to do what he wanted instead of having big brother tell him what to do. So, he led singing:

Then, sometime during the day on Wednesday, we played Cowboys and, I guess, Mommas, because we didn't have any indians and I didn't dress up like a cowboy. Here he was shooting the bad guys who were in the corner in the living room. He was very sweet trying to protect his Momma. :-)

On Thursday, we decided to go to Abilene for the day to run some errands and have a little fun. So, we went shopping, which I didn't get any pictures of. Then, we went and had a special treat downtown at McKay's Bakery. Yum-yum!

After the cookies, we braved the 150 degree heat (Ok, maybe it was just 101) and played miniature golf. This was something he had been asking to do since he found out Jaden and Jason were going to be gone, so I had to do it. And he beat me -- almost legitimately. :-)

They had a windmill that you hit the ball into and it came out on the other side. He was a little skeptical that it was coming out, but it did.

After our fun in Abilene, we came home and Jaxon got to take a long bath where he mostly played -- all by himself. Again, not having to do what big brother tells him.

Then we turned on the Ranger game and saw Jason, Jaden, Jeff and Cody once with a shot behind first base. They had awesome seats -- and yes, the two of us were jealous!

Today has been spent at home -- doing laundry, playing games, working puzzles, watching what he wants to on TV without big brother persuading him (do you see a pattern here?), and we also played a little play-doh while we ate lunch. To my knowledge neither one of us ate the play-doh instead of our peanut butter sandwiches -- at least I hope not.
We've had fun, but we are ready for Jaden and Daddy to get home! They called a little while ago to tell us they were on there way and I wish I had my camera out to take a picture of the very large smile on Jaxon's face with the news that they were coming home.

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