Saturday, August 15, 2009

UP - up - and away!

It may be hard for some of you to believe, but neither of our boys had ever been to see a movie in a movie theater -- until today.

Why? you might ask. Well, because we didn't know how they would act toward the dark and loud atmosphere and we didn't want to be those parents who had screaming kids that you were sitting in your seat thinking to yourself, "I wish they would just leave!"

But we didn't have anything planned today so we decided to take them to the movie. All four of us have been wanting to see the movie "Up" since we went to Disneyland and saw a special float for it in the Pixar Parade at California Adventure park.

And, we wanted their first experience at the movies to be a fun one that we could do as a family. I just like doing things as a family anyway -- I guess I'm weird like that. :-)

After a little convincing to Jaxon that the "dark" and "loud" was going to be o.k., he was good with the idea (especially since he had some popcorn and a Dr. Pepper to keep him company, not to mention Dad's lap). The movie was 3-D which the boys thought was pretty neat. They even sat through the whole thing with their glasses on.

They did great! I think I'm glad we waited until they were older to do this. When the movie was over, Jaxon said, "I liked that movie!" Jaden said, "This wasn't exactly what I expected, but it was cool." Who knows what his expectations were, but I think he liked it anyway.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention. The movie was good and one that really makes you think about what, no WHO, is important in your life.

On a side note, last night we decided to ride our bikes down to the reopened miniature golf place in town. We hadn't been there yet, and hoping that it stays open this time, wanted to show our support. So we went. And had fun. And Dad won. Of course. :-)

But Jaxon did hit the jackpot when he hit on the last whole. He set off the lights and the bells and got a free game for next time. He was very excited!


  1. Fun times!

    Next time we are in Snyder we will have to go play putt putt with you! We used to go at least once a week during the summer when the other cousins came to visit Gurr and Gran. It was always fun to make it light up on the last hole!

  2. I played that course a long, long time ago. Way to go Jaxon!

    Sounds like the movie was fun!
