Sunday, September 13, 2009

Get Your Guns Up!

We had a fun experience yesterday! We took the boys to their first Texas Tech game. (Well, technically it was Jaden's second, but he was 2 the first time he went and doesn't really remember it.) He should remember yesterday for a long time, because we had lots of fun! First, we parked and then we walked...and walked...and walked...and walked... Well, you get the picture. :-)

The boys both ran up to this statue and said, "Look it's the horse rider." They thought the statue was pretty cool until we saw the real masked rider and horse and they thought that was even cooler.
We all had our "guns up" quite a bit, but so did everyone else. That place is hoppin' with school spirit, which I happen to think is pretty cool!

We found Raider Red in Raider Alley. Jaden was a little stand-offish, but then decided it would be o.k. for a picture. The fact that you can't see Jaxon in the picture should tell you what he thought about Raider Red -- he was o.k. from a distance, but he wasn't getting close.

Here is Jaden using his binoculars for a mustache to try and look like Raider Red. I see the similarities, don't you?
We had lots of fun learning part of the words to the fight song -- "We will hit 'em. We will wreck 'em. Hit 'em, wreck 'em, Texas Tech!" And we had lots of opportunities to practice it with the score being 55-10! I think Jaden finally got it on the last touchdown. Then, he thought they needed to score again so he could "practice" it again.

The weather even cooperated for us. It rained on us all the way there and most of the way home, but not at the game at all. I'm sure it was because we (and everyone else at the game) took all our rain gear in. :-)

Go Tech!


  1. Looks like lots of fun! Glad you had a good time! Go 'Horns!

  2. Glad the weather held off for you and glad the game was "fun"... also glad somebody finally took a pic of Mom !!!!!

  3. I can't say much for the guns up or the red and black shirts, but I'm glad you had fun! Tell Jaden he's cute, but not quite Red Raider. GO 'HORNS!!! (We'll see what happens next week.) Hey, read my blog!!!

  4. If you'll let me, I'll teach him the fight song, the Matador Song, and the new words we use for the UT and A&M songs. I might have to wait 'til he's older for those.

    Glad y'all had a good time, and glad we won.
