Saturday, December 19, 2009

Catching Up

With so many other things going on lately, I just haven't taken time to write about our weekend after Thanksgiving. Jason's uncle had extra tickets to the Texas Tech vs. Baylor game and so we were all able to go and take advantage of going to see the incredibly large architectural extravaganza known as Cowboy Stadium.

Here are my boys as we're walking to the gate.
Here we are inside at our seats.
Even if you haven't been to this stadium, I know you must have heard of the HUGE screen in the middle. I took this picture to try to show how big it was. If you look at the bottom of the photo, you can see the Baylor Band on the field making the shape of Texas. It's a big band -- so notice that almost the whole state of Texas made by the band fits in the big screen. CrAzY!
We were sitting about 11 rows up from the field, but we found ourselves looking at that big screen instead of watching the game on the field.
Jason's dad got to go, too. Here are four very excited Raider fans!
The game was lots of fun! And Tech won so that made it even better!

We spent the night in Arlington and took the boys to see "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" at Casa Manana in Fort Worth on Sunday. Here we are in the foyer where they had a beautiful Christmas tree.

Here are Jaden and Jaxon in front of the stage. Sorry you can't see the stage in this picture, but aren't those boys cute?!
The show was really cute and the boys enjoyed it. It was really neat when Santa came out at the end with his sack full of toys and Jaxon got really excited. Of course, he didn't want Santa to come anywhere near him, but he liked seeing him from afar.

On the way home, we were all a little worn out. We could tell Jaden was really tired, so I said, "Why don't you lay your head back and rest a little bit?" He said, "No, Mom, I'm o.k. I'm not tired." Probably five minutes later, this is what I looked back and found:
Jaxon was coloring when Jaden fell asleep and told me he wasn't tired either. A little bit later, it got pretty quiet from his side of the car so I looked back and found this:
Notice the colored pencil still upright in his hand. :-)

It was a fun but very spontaneous weekend!

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