Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Out West

We spent the weekend celebrating Christmas with Jason's side of the family at his brother's house in Midland. The four cousins had LOTS of fun playing, and there was fairly minor fighting and arguing. Mallory liked to follow the boys around, but she did her own thing.

Carter played a few Christmas tunes on the piano while the others sang along.
We did get the five kids under the tree for a quick pic. This is Andrew, Jaxon, Jaden, Mallory and Carter.
Jason's grandmother and her husband joined us for lunch and the fun. So, we were able to take a four generation picture. Let me identify everyone for you -- back row, from left: Eric (Jason's brother), Poppa (Jason's Dad), Mallory, Jason; front row, from left: Carter, Andrew, Granny, Jaden and Jaxon.
All the kids got some kind of toy to "put together" so we spent the afternoon playing some games and putting magnetix and zoob pieces and legos together.

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