Monday, May 24, 2010

End of School Stuff

Now it's just 1 1/2 days left of this Kindergarten year -- and still hard to believe! I had a very good friend tell me a quote recently: "The days go by so slow, but the years go by so fast." Wow! How incredibly true is that statement?!

Just wanted to pass on some end-of-school pictures to you (since I know you are all waiting on the edge of your seat for that! :-)

Anyway, Jaden had his awards assembly this afternoon. He got a certificate for completing Kindergarten, but he also got a Tiger Traits award for his class. So very proud of him! Here he is with his certificate and his Tiger Paw keychain he got for the Tiger Traits award.

With 280+ Kindergarten students in one awards assembly, it did get a little long. But, still very proud of Jaden and all he has accomplished this year!

Last Friday, we had an end-of-school party. The kids walked from the school to the park where they played for two hours straight, then we had hot dogs for lunch. It was lots of fun! Jaxon got in on the action. Mrs. Bowen asked if he wanted to walk with them, so he did. He thought he was so big!
There was a mean game of football going on with some of the kids and Mrs. Bowen got in on the action.
Then she "tackled" Jaden.
Tug-o-war! Woo-hoo! Mrs. Bowen's class won! (Can you find Jaden?)

A couple of weeks ago, Jaden had his music program at school. He's been waiting ALL year for this one. I think he probably asked his teacher the first day of school when they would get to have a music program. So, he was very excited when this day came. They had a cute program. I'll spare you the video, but I do have it if anyone want to see it! :-)
They took their own teddy bears for one song and, of course, Jaden chose "Tex."

Nana and Granny drove from Abilene to see the program. So sweet! Jaden was very excited they were there!

1 comment:

  1. Such a busy, busy, boy!! We are very proud of you Jaden, and all your many accomplishments. Can't wait to see what excitement the future brings!!
    Love you bunches!! Aunt Tami
