Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Family Time

We just finished a very eventful end of week and weekend.

I have no pictures of this -- and now that I think about it, I guess I should have documented it somehow, but my wonderful husband took me on a trip to shop at Canton First Monday Trade Days! Oh, yes he did! I had some specific items in mind for some ideas for our backyard (which I will post pics of as soon as we get completely finished) and I thought Canton was the place to find them. And we were successful. You could tell that by how incredibly packed our van was after we left there. :-)

My mom and dad and grandmother teamed up to keep the boys while we were gone last Wednesday through Friday. Then mom and dad brought the boys to Arlington to meet us so we could have a family weekend at the Ranger game. Woo-hoo!

Our first Ranger game of the season -- hard to believe, huh? -- but that school thing kept messing our schedule up! :-)

We had to get to the field early so the boys could "play" in centerfield. Here is Jaden hitting one to the fence.

Hey, is that Josh Hamilton?! Oh, no, wait! It's our Jaxon!

Jaden wanted to go look at the bullpen so he and I did that for a few minutes. He REALLY wanted to stay until the pitchers came out, but since our seats weren't there, the ushers wouldn't let us stay. We did get to see C.J. Wilson warm up though. Does this child pose good, or what?
Here is Jaxon showing off some baseball cards he got at one of the games in centerfield. He was very proud of them!
Three silly boys waiting to cheer on the Rangers...
And here's the whole crew -- all decked out in Rangers attire (except for my mom. I guess that's why she put Jaden in front of her. :-) ...

Feeling Wicked?
On Saturday, Joey, Leslye, Jeff, Tami, Jason and I all went to see the musical "Wicked." Jason and I saw this musical in New York about four years ago. It is definitely one of my all-time favorites and I just knew that my sister would love it also. So, when I found out that it was coming to Dallas many months ago, I concocted a plan to take her for her birthday.

So, a couple of months ago, Joey, Leslye, Jason and I decided that's what we would give her and Jeff for her birthday. Jeff is not really a musical-kind-a-guy, BUT he graciously went with us and I think he might have kind of enjoyed it -- maybe?!

From the look on her face, I think Tami enjoyed it all the way through. It was so much fun! Thanks mom and dad for taking care of the kids (again) while the six of us saw the show!

Couldn't get a picture of all six of us at the show, but here are the siblings. Love you guys!


  1. What fun! What fun! Jami, you look great in that family photo at the Rangers game.:-) We had a great weekend with you guys! Thanks again for the musical - we BOTH enjoyed it very much!! Love you!

  2. We had so much fun this weekend with the boys and everyone else too. Thanks family for a wonderful weekend together.
