Monday, October 11, 2010

ACU Homecoming

This past weekend was a busy one.  We started on Friday as soon as Jaden got out of school.  Jaxon and I picked him up and headed to Abilene to go to some of the ACU Homecoming events.  Jason worked a while and then met us there.

We started with the ACU Carnival.  Nana and Pawpaw met us there and Jaden and Nana stopped to have their picture taken with Willie Wildcat.

Then the boys had lots of fun doing all the blow-up activities...

Ready to race...

Horseriding for one (couldn't get Jaxon near the horse)...

Climbing rock walls...

The night ended with a spectacular fireworks show just off campus.  It was really cool!  And Jason made it there just in time.

Saturday, we started the day with the parade, but I forgot to take my camera to that event.  But then there was WILDCAT FOOTBALL!  Woo-hoo!  Go Cats!

We ended the day with the Homecoming musical, Titanic.  Jason and I went on a date to that while Nana and Pawpaw kept the boys.  A good way to end the day, I thought.

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