Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lots of Activities

We have been very busy with lots of Christmas activities this month.  First, we finally put lights on our house this year.  Yay!  And the boys got to help, which they were very excited about.  They both REALLY wanted to get on the roof with Dad, but they didn't get to.  I told them one day they would be begging us to NOT make them get on the roof and do this.  :-)

Notice the short sleeves in the previous pics...the next night it was much colder.  So, we trekked down to the Snyder Christmas parade.  We got a good parking spot and sat in the back of our van to watch.  Daddy and Jaden even walked down to McDonald's and got us some hot chocolate.  Yum!  It was fun!

Jaden had his Christmas party at school.  Here is the goofy little boy...

Last week the weather was so nice.  The boys played outside and decided to put on a Christmas play for us.  I got my new video camera two days after this and I couldn't get them to reenact it so here are some pics.  It was hilarious!

This is Jaden being "Santa" in the "sleigh" with the "reindeer" and Jaxon, who is Hank the "elf," is helping him go.

Here is "Santa" dropping toys to girls and boys...

Hank the elf singing "Jingle Bells" as the background music...

Jaxon had these roller skates on and he would slide down the slide and land on his feet and skate away to help "Santa"...

Ta-da!  The end of the show!

Had to show you a close-up of the make-up job they did on themselves...

Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season!  Check back 'cause I have more to write about Christmas activities.  :-)


  1. Jami,

    Merry Christmas! I just love your blog and all your pics. Can't believe how big the boys are! Sending hugs to all of you! Love you all!! Robin

  2. Sweet boys!! They are so creative, and who'da thought you could skate across astroturf?!?! Only these 2 little boys! Can't wait to see you guys on Fridy!!!

  3. I love the cozy coupe Santa sleigh!! So creative! Isn't it so fun to watch what they come up with? Merry Christmas to the Wests!!
