Saturday, February 5, 2011

The season is over.

Yes, that's right.  We just finished our basketball season today.  No, you didn't miss any earlier posts about it, because there weren't any.  Hmmm...

Anyway, this was Jaden's first year to play on a basketball team.  He was on the black and gold Tigers -- which actually worked out great for our wardrobes.  We easily had clothes we could wear to support that team.  :-)

He had a good season.  He did very well, of course!  He made lots of points, although I couldn't tell you exactly how many.  There was one game where he scored half the points -- of course the final score of that game was 4-6, I think.

Here are a few pictures I took.  Unfortunately, the lighting of the gym was not good and my camera didn't take very good pictures in there.  But, I still took some (of course) and I'm still gonna share.

Looking serious...

Getting instructions from the coach...

BIG smile after he made a shot...

He played point guard a lot...

Jason was the assistant coach so here he is talking to Jaden at halftime of one game...

The medal he received today at closing ceremonies...

It was fun.  It's over.  Now -- are you ready for some baseball?!  'Cause we are!


  1. READY!!!!!!!! Can't wait to watch them all play a little yardball!

  2. Yes!! Ready to watch them play baseball!!
