Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Break

I guess I should have posted this already.  But I was busy helping with the school book fair last week, so now I'm behind...again...oh, well.  It happens.

Spring Break for us was just that -- a break.  (Except for Jason, of course.  No breaks allowed for him until April 18 this year.)  We didn't really have any plans this year.  Well, we did.  But then someone decided to have baseball practice so those plans got changed.  It was o.k. though.  It was kind of nice to stay home for most of it and just "hang" at the house.  

The boys got to play a lot together.  I got to play a lot with them.  We did a little work outside since the weather was so nice.  The boys wanted to earn a little money for the book fair so they helped me pull weeds, rake leaves and help with a flower bed in the front yard.

And we have a new play place at our park that we spent some time at.  Here are just a few pictures of us playing.

 The first weekend of the break, the boys and I went to my sister's house in Olney.  We had lots of fun hanging out with them.  Here are three goofy guys with some really goofy hats.


  1. Love those three goofy guys!

  2. Very cute picture!! We had so much fun with you guys!! Maybe we shouldn't wait so long next time. Thanks for coming to see us!!!! We love you!
