Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday!

Today, Jaden Landry West turns 8.  

So incredibly hard to believe, isn't it?!

We've been so blessed with him in our family these last eight years.  And every age is different and fun!  He is now officially a second grader.  
He likes to read and do math.  He got second place for the whole first grade in the Accelerated Reader program at school.

He is such a good big brother.  He watches out and encourages Jaxon so well.  

He loves to put on a show and be in the spotlight.  

He likes sports, as I'm sure you know, and tries his hardest at them all.  He enjoys playing the piano.  He is like a fish in the pool, every year more so than the last.  He likes to play outside.  He likes to draw and do crafts.  He has a sweet concern for others.  He loves to play games...and win.  :-)   He really likes to go to school, but thankful for summer break.  He's just an all around great kid!

Happy Birthday, Jaden.  We love you!


  1. Happy Birthday Jaden! We love you, too!

  2. Happy Birthday Jaden! We love you, too!!

  3. A very happy birthday to our favorite 8 yr.old grandson.
    We love you!
