Monday, August 22, 2011

Jaxon's Trip with Dad

A couple of weeks ago, Jason took Jaxon on his before school trip.  You might remember he did the same for Jaden two years ago.  I absolutely LOVE the idea!  I know it's important for each boy to have father/son time with him and this was the perfect plan.

Jaxon chose to go to two Ranger games.  And, luckily, they picked one good game and one very exciting game to go to.  I think they both had a blast!  

I asked Jaxon to talk about his trip and I would type it for you.  He's not very detailed-oriented and doesn't have much to say -- so he just described each picture for me.  :-)

He did say this though (because I asked him why it was so fun):
It was fun just getting to go with Dad because we got to do some stuff without y'all -- and that was fun.

This is the first game we went to.  Dad took my picture before we went in.

Dad got us some great seats.  We had fun at the game.  The Rangers even won for me 9-2!

The next day, we went putt-putting.  (Sidenote from Mom:  Dad didn't take many pictures even though Mom asked him, too.  :-)  But besides playing miniature golf, we rode the go-carts so we could cool off a little bit.  We went inside and got a drink and played some games inside.  Dad and I were pretty good -- we got a lot of tickets.  It was fun!

This was the second Ranger game we went to.  Dad got great seats again -- behind the on-deck circle!  

We got to see Benji Molina throw out the first pitch.  He came to this game to get his World Series ring.

We were really close to the players.  Josh Hamilton up close...

...and Michael Young...

This was a very exciting game -- Josh got a walk-off hit to win the game 7-6!  Somebody that was sitting beside us took this picture of me and Dad after the game.

While Jason and Jaxon were gone, Jaden got to have his first sleepover with his friend, Karson.  There was lots of swimming...

We even made our own personal pizzas...

The boys tried to build a fort to sleep in...

I tried to help...

In the end they started out on sleeping bags in the fort, but after about 15 minutes, they moved to the bed.  Lots of work for nothing, but it was fun putting it together!

Then, there was time spent watching the Rangers -- of course.


  1. Did someone forget to mention that Jaxon was on TV the second game? - made it double exciting.....


  2. Looks like a fun time all around! I have to know what those things you were using to build the fort are? Like giant K'nex? Those are super cool!!

  3. Sounds like everyone had fun! We even saw Jaxon and Jason on tv!!!
