Sunday, September 4, 2011

The First Day of School

Yes, I know school has been going for two weeks now.  And all the time I thought I was going to have when both boys went to's there -- I've just spent most of it at the school working on PTA fundraising stuff.  What did I get myself into?!  :-)

Anyway, the first day of school went well for Jaden and Jaxon.  SO glad!

We started the day with breakfast, of course.  Here are two boys being cRaZy while eating breakfast...

Before school pics...

Our second grader and kindergartener...Wow!

Jason and I walked the boys into school.  We dropped Jaden off at his classroom first.  The theme for the second grade hall is space.  His teacher, Mrs. Long, did an amazing job on the outside of her door making a space shuttle.  We are so happy to have her as a teacher.  Jaden has already learned so much and has a great time.

Then, we walked Jaxon to his classroom.  He really was excited to start school.  That made it easier for me to leave him there.  He wouldn't let me get a picture outside the door, so I took one of him beside his cubby putting his backpack up.

Then he found his desk and was ready to color his first Kindergarten paper.

He was ready for me to leave.  I wasn't ready.  But his sweet teacher, Mrs. Hester, came over and gave me a hug.  She said, "You know I'll love him like my own."  And I know she does and will, and that made it easier for me.  We are so excited that he has her for his teacher.  She is so great in that she does teach them a lot and does love them like they were hers.  She eats lunch with them and gets down in the floor and plays with them.  And, is willing to let me come help in the classroom whenever I want.  Love her!  :-)

I was so glad when it was 2:45, and I could go get Jaxon to hear all about his first day.  He said it was great and that he wanted to go back the next day.  They get to have show and tell every day if they want to.  So, he participated the first day and took some pictures of when he and Daddy went on their trip.  Also, Mrs. Bowen came and helped the class learn all about the rules of the school.  Mrs. Bowen was Jaden's kindergarten teacher and that's who Jaxon really wanted to have.  But she retired, and she and Mrs. Hester are good friends, so she'll be showing up every now and then.  Jaxon is happy about that.

After hearing all about Jaxon's day, we picked Jaden up at 3:25 and got another school report.  Jaden likes second grade so far.

I'm so thankful that both boys have great, Christian teachers.  I can't wait to see what the year holds.

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