Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Soccer Guys

We have had a fun season of soccer this fall.  And with one game left, I thought I might go ahead and write about it.

There's really not that much to write.  There's been practice, games, practice, games, etc., etc., etc.  Both boys have done well.  Jaxon has not been as aggressive this year as last because this year he is a little younger than the other kids where last year he was one of the older ones.  But, he still likes it and he likes having his Dad as a coach again.

I'll share a few pictures of Jaxon and his team.

Dad being a coach...

Jaxon stopping the ball...

Be sure and catch that tongue action...

Rooting on the team...

Jaden has had a good year.  He has a good team and they have fun together and play well together as just that...a team.  He is really enjoying it this year.

Jaden stopping the ball while playing goalie...

A powerful kick...

Trying to score...

And BOOM...

On the last Saturday games we had, both boys asked me to spike their hair.  So I did.  And they both scored FOUR goals that day!  Yep, bet we do that again this Saturday for our last games.

Silly kids...
...but I sure do love 'em!


  1. Yea!!! They are just too cute! I lvoe the hair!!, and the tongue action!

  2. Those action pics look like a pro took them. Glad to know that photographer can still get published! Makes it easy whme the subjects are so photogenic!
