Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

So, after our trip to Arlington with the West family, we were supposed to head home on December 31. But, we ended up spending too much time in the metroplex that day -- buying some new toys for my work.  Yay for me!  

Anyway, it was going to put us home really late, so we decided to stay the night in Stephenville with my brother and his family.  We really appreciated them letting us stay, especially since they were not expecting company.  :-)

The boys took a nap in the car while we drove there just so they could stay up and see the new year in.

Poor Keaton missed all they fun...

But he got in on it all the next day...

One of Leslye's family traditions on New Year's Day (besides black-eyed peas) is Cherries Jubilee dessert.  I have always thought that was a cool tradition and so we got to be a part of it this year.  

Hard to see the flames in this pic, but the boys thought it was pretty cool!

We had a lot of fun bringing in the new year with family!

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