Monday, March 5, 2012

Jaxon's Day

As I posted earlier, Jaxon turned 6 on January 13.  It was a Friday so he was in school.

Here is our 6 year old at his desk.

I took chocolate chip cookies (the birthday boy's request) to his class for his big day.  His teacher, Mrs. Hester, let the birthday kid pick out a book from her.  Then she gave him her infamous birthday spankings.  I'm sure you can tell by the look on his face, that they didn't hurt too much!  :-)

After school that day, we went with Jaden's Destination Imagination team to tour KTAB in Abilene.  It worked out perfect for Jaxon.  We told him he could pick any place he wanted to go for supper.  So, of course, he picked Chuck E. Cheese.

And Nana, Pawpaw and Granny met us there to eat with the birthday boy!

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