Friday, August 24, 2012

Jaden's Birthday

We got back from California just in time for Jaden's 9th birthday.  I know I say this every time the boys have a birthday, but I can't believe he's nine.  He is such a joy in my life!  When I think back to all we've done the last nine years with him in our lives, it makes my heart smile!

We planned to go to the Rangers game for his birthday this year.  That's what he wanted instead of a party.  Easy for us, although I must admit, I do miss the idea of coming up with fun, cute parties.  Oh, well.  :-)

Jaxon gave Jaden his birthday present in the hotel room before the game.  I love the look on Jaxon's face in this picture.  He's so excited to give Jaden something he wanted!

And Jaden is equally excited to get it!

When we got to the game, we could kind of tell Jason had something up his sleeve.  He had to ask a couple of times about our tickets, and that's not like him.  He usually knows where he's going.  So, when we started walking up the stairs, Jaden turned around and looked at me with a very large smile on  his face and said "A SUITE?!"  I said, "I don't know!"  

Well, it was.  And this is right before we walked in.

But that wasn't the only surprise!  When Jaden walked in there were people inside singing "Happy Birthday" to him.  Do you see this look of shock on his face?

And me, too...look at the smile on Jason's face saying "Woo-hoo, I did it!"

And it wasn't just anyone inside singing -- it was all our family members!  It was so cool!  

Here we are with my family...

Jason's family...

And our other family -- Rick and Kellye Starnes... So, glad they could join us for the fun!  Love them all so much!

My sister, Tami, made Jaden's birthday cake and brought goodie containers for everyone!  How sweet was that!

He made another sign hoping to get on TV, but I don't think the sign worked this time either.

And Memaw (Jason's mom) lovingly made this sign for the party...

My grandmother even came and we were so excited!  Her very first Rangers game in her young 85 years!

Keaton was ready for the ball!

Here we are eating and lounging and watching the game.

Granny was having fun dancing to the music and holding Jaden's sign...

Lots of fun was had by all!

Thanks, Dad!

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