Thursday, August 23, 2012

San Diego -- Day 4

Day 4 we were tired.  Apparently walking the San Diego Zoo for a whole day and then a baseball game will wear you out.  So, we decided to take it easy and drive around a bit and then spend some time at the beach.

We found Surf Beach and stopped to see quite a few people surfing there.  Some guy offered to take this photo of the four of us.  Can you see the surfboard on the right side of the pic?  I really wanted to pick it up and go try it for myself, but I decided not to.  :-)

We drove up the highway a little ways and stopped at La Jolla, California.  It is absolutely beautiful there.  We stopped at what they call Children's Beach, which ironically is no longer for children.  It's for seals.  They have taken it over.

One of the boys thought Jason and I needed a pic by ourselves.  

We were looking for something to eat about lunch time and Jason realized we were very close to Torrey Pines Golf Course.  So, he thought we needed to drive by and see it.  So, we did.

But then we needed to get out and look around.  So, we did.  Plus, we thought it was necessary to add a golf ball to Jason's collection.

Then we drove back to Mission Bay, which was near our hotel.  We had tabbed this day to spend at the beach and in the was too cold!  This picture is after the waves rolled up on their feet...

So, instead we made a memory...

And then played ball in the sand...

For those of you who know us well, you won't be surprised that we went to another Ranger game that night.  However, for those of you who know us well, you will be surprised that we DID NOT go for all THREE games in San Diego.  Just two.  :-)

We felt sure that having a sign would get us on TV...
...but no luck!  There were just too many people in Rangers attire!

We had GREAT seats right behind the Rangers dugout.

 Lots of fun and they won again for us!

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