Thursday, August 23, 2012

Vacation, Got to Get Away...

The day Jaden's camp was over in Abilene, we headed toward Arlington to a Ranger game with some of our church family.  It's always fun going with a big group.

The boys had to have some cRaZy hair...and our friend, Kellye, decided to join them!

San Diego
The next day, we got to finally go on our vacation.  We had been talking about it for so long -- and we were all very excited!  The boys were going to get to fly on an airplane for the first time and they were excited...and a little scared.

Here they are watching the airplanes land and take off while we waited on our plane.

When we got on the plane, I snapped a quick picture of the boys with the pilot.

The flight attendant standing nearby asked if this was their first time to fly.  When I told him yes, he said, "Well, they can hang out here with the pilot for a while and I'll bring them to their seats when they're done."  Ok.  I thought that was pretty cool...and was a little jealous we didn't get to stay with them.  :-)

Heading back to their seats after a tour of the cockpit...

Ready to go!  As you can see, Peanut made the trip with us...

When we got in the air, the pilot came on the speaker to tell us about our flight and said, "We want to welcome Jaden and Jaxon West on board who are flying for the first time."  They were a little embarrassed, but thought that was cool!

When we got to San Diego, we got our rent car and headed to the hotel.  It was really nice -- right on the bay.

And our patio door opened out into a grassy area, so we were able to play.  The boys loved throwing this ball back and forth -- and even had a solution when they threw it on the balcony above us.

So, the first day of San Diego, was getting there, getting settled, getting food and then getting a little fun card game in of Uno on the back patio before going to bed.

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