Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas 2012

Roberts Family Christmas

This Christmas has been very eventful for us.  We have been able to spend some time with family which is always a blessing.  

First, we got to spend some time with my family in Abilene on Christmas Eve.  I tried to get a picture of all the grandkids but Keaton didn't want to cooperate.

We have a tradition that we go around the room and each pick a Christmas song to sing before we can open presents.  We've done this for YEARS!  So, here we go with Granny, Mom and Dad...

Then Keaton decided he wasn't going to be so shy.  He got up and started dancing while we sang.

After we opened presents, Aunt Tami and the kids had some fun with sugar cookies and icing!

We didn't get to spend as much time with my family as usual, but it was still a great time!

West Family Christmas

This year for Christmas, the West family ventured to Ruidoso, N.M.  The first night we were there, it snowed.  I don't know how much, but enough that we were stuck in the cabin for about two days.  We had a very steep, icy driveway that we couldn't get up.  

This is our van with lots of snow on it!

So, we spent New Year's Eve in the cabin playing lots and lots of games.  But we also had a little fun making "2013" glasses and our own party hats to ring in the new year.

The next day, we got all our snow gear on and went out to play!  

After walking around a bit, we thought it would be fun to build a snowman.  I don't know if you can tell from this picture but April is trying to get the kids to help her build a snowman.

And they were helping...until Eric decided it would be more fun to start a snowball fight!

Then, we found some saucers and decided to try those out.  I think Jason decided he should try it out first.

Then these two got in on the fun!

Somehow Eric ended up going down once and stayed to "catch" everyone so they wouldn't run into the rocks and trees.

He even had to catch Jason after he accidentally went down the hill while I was trying to take a picture of my three boys.  I really wish I had gotten a picture of his face when he started sliding but I got this one when he got to the end instead.

Then they decided it would be fun to race!

Wednesday, we decided to venture out to the snow tubing place.  It was cold but so fun!

All five kids ready to go!

And we were too!

It's hard to get good pictures at this place if you are also tubing (which I was).  I caught this one of Jaden coming down the hill.

And this one of Eric with all four boys.

This picture requires some explanation.  We had all decided to go up and hook together and all come down the hill together.  So we had 7 of us ready to go.  The guy at the top of the hill told us we had to go tallest to shortest.  So it was Eric, Jason, me, Carter, Jaden, Andrew and Jaxon was at the back.  He let us go and the run was fast and furious...but when we got to the bottom, we were missing the last two of our party.  All Jaden had were Andrew's boots.  When we took off, Andrew and Jaxon didn't.  It was really funny!

On Thursday, we decided to venture up to Ski Apache and let the kids try skiing.  It was COLD!  The temperature on the car read 13 degrees when we got to the ski lodge.  Oh. My. Goodness!  But we dressed warmly and they were ready!

You might notice that I do not have skis on.  I was the resident photographer.  :-)

Here is the whole skiing crew.

The kids took lessons and did great!  

Here is Jason with Jaden and Jaxon on the ski lift about to try the bunny slope after the boys had lessons.

And here they come...

Jaden liked it.

Jaxon loved it!

And Dad is just happy they might go with him again!

It snowed on us all day long and was really, really cold!

The whole trip was an adventure and we had a great time!

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