Thursday, July 31, 2008

The West-House Theatre

Ok.  I know I have already been bad about blogging, but we just haven't done anything very exciting around here in the last couple of weeks.  I guess I chose the wrong time to start.  :-)  

Anyway, I just had to share with you all what the boys did today.  If you're not around us very much, you should know that both Jaden and Jaxon have VERY active imaginations.  Jaden started having imaginary friends when he was probably about two and now we are up to a whole baseball team.  Jaxon shares Jaden's imaginary friends, but does have one of his own -- Riley.

So, today Jaden asked if they could put on some make-up so they could put on a show.  Now, for those of you who are worried that I'm letting my boys where make-up, you should know that it is costume make-up, not the girly stuff.  Anyway, last year after Jason was in the "Hank, the Cowdog" production here at the Ritz Theatre, then the boys started doing "productions" at home quite often.  I found a good clearance on Halloween makeup that is crayon-like so very easy to apply and remove (which is important to me).  It's been a while since they've done this, but with it being so hot outside, we've decided to spend more time inside these days (unless we're in the pool).  

So, today we had a show about a dog and a cat.  Jaden, of course, was the director and enjoyed telling his little brother what to do.  He was also the dog.  Jaxon, the cat.  I have to say that the "play" itself was not that funny, but I recorded some preparations and what I got a kick out of the most was the welcome and announcements.  I've put them here for you to look at.  I whittled it down to just under 4 minutes and know that's still kind of a long time to sit and watch, but if you can, it's pretty funny.  Jaden even goes so far as to tell you who all is in the play -- him, Jaxon and then he names some members of his baseball team of imaginary friends and each part they play.  The last little bit is the final song of the show.  With his state champs t-shirt on, I guess he had that on his mind and his character is singing a song about the Snyder Tigers winning the championship.  (I probably need to apologize for the quality of the video -- this is the first video I've ever compressed to upload and the quality is not very good.  Hopefully, I will get better at that.)

It's pretty cool that this is what I get to do every day -- watch my kids put on plays, play LOTS of baseball, read books, sing, have church quite often, etc., etc., etc.  I'm very blessed and thank God every day for giving these two beautiful, wonderful boys to us.

Hope you enjoy!


  1. I love it! Next time I go to the theatre, I'll be sure to leave my toys in the car! That part was hilarious! I loved Jaxon trying to sort of reiterate what his big brother would say...with his hand motions! So funny. You certinaly do have some great moments to treasure. I sure wish we lived closer together...our boys would have quite the time together!

  2. That was hilarious! My boys do that in small doses, but never anything that elaborate. I do remember having to write down the lyrics to a song last year that was an Ode to Hot Wheels. I can definitely see Jaden as a future star of the stage and screen.

    See y'all next week.

  3. Very cute production! I am so glad that I got the run down of all the friends in the car the other day so I was familiar with all the stars of the show!

  4. Adorable but what else would expect from our grandsons!!

  5. That was great! If Jaxon had not been standing next to Jaden, I would have thought that was little Jason putting on a show thirty years ago. No, I did not know him then, but I've seen video. . . at Grandpa's house.

    This really makes me want to get out my video camera!


  6. Jami, that was a riot! Keep your camera out! I can't wait for the next showing! Hugs to you all!

