Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's HOT!

Greetings from HOT West Texas!  It seems like we spent our weekend trying to stay cool.  And, since we didn't really have any plans this weekend, then we were able to spend lots of time in our pool.  Jaden is like a fish when it comes to swimming and he's getting better and better every day.  He hasn't had swimming lessons yet, but he's doing so well this year just learning to go under water and swim.  This is him swimming all by himself near the steps.  He won't get too far out there unless he's swimming to Jason or me.

Jaxon, on the other hand, is finally getting used to the water after two months or so of trying to get him in the pool.  He used to just watch us swim or play ball with us in the pool while he was out of the pool.  He doesn't like it when the water is too cold.  But since it's been 100+ lately during most days, the water has warmed up significantly and he's tried it out more often.  He likes to "drive" his car float though and not get too far from Daddy.

Hope you are all finding your own ways to stay cool in this heat wave!  Love to all!

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