Monday, August 18, 2008

On Your Mark...Get Set...Go!

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  (2 Timothy 4:7)

Last week we learned about the Olympics.  I know, it's a bit of a cop-out since it's all around us these days -- but appropriate too, I thought.  Since I figured we were most likely going to be watching the different events every night, I thought I might as well teach the boys a little about the history behind them.

The history was a little boring to them, but they enjoyed watching.  They were amazed, as were we, at the athletes and what they can accomplish.  Jaden said his favorite to watch was the swimming and the gymnastics.  Wednesday night he did a flip on the rings on the swing set at church.  He said, "Look, I can do what those guys do on TV."  Now, I'll admit he wasn't as good as Jonathan Horton or anything, but we were proud.  :-)

Jaxon also liked watching the swimming and he is enjoying the track events.  We even had a few races outside between Jaden and Jaxon where Jaxon gets really fired up, but Jaden usually beats him.  After all, his legs are longer.  

Anyway, we made some Olympic flags on the day we learned about the flag and what the rings stand for.  Jaden and Jaxon both learned the memory verse above which we were very proud of.  Jaxon gets too shy whenever we ask him to say it for anyone else but us, but Jaden will blurt it out.  And pretty much every time we see the Olympic rings, they say, "Hey, Mom, that's just like our flags."


  1. They may be in the Olympics one day, so you may already be preparing them for that! Fun learning!

  2. Just think, one of them could carry the flag into the stadium some day...
