Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Five Fun-Filled Days!

We didn't really take a big vacation this year -- we just took lots of little ones:  following the Tigers baseball team all the way to state, a couple of Rangers games, a trip to the Granbury Lake with friends, and several one-day trips to Abilene and Lubbock.  So, because Jason had a cousin getting married in Dallas last Saturday, that gave us an opportunity to take another short family trip and do some fun things.

Jason and I didn't tell Jaden and Jaxon what we had planned.  They pretty much just thought we were going to a wedding.  Boy, were they in for a surprise -- actually, many surprises.  

First, we left on Wednesday because my baseball fanatic husband couldn't stand that the Texas Rangers had beaten the New York Yankees Monday and Tuesday and we weren't there.  So, he decided we'd start our trip a little early and go to Wednesday night's game.  
We didn't tell the boys.  We were just going to drive up to the ballpark and see what they said, BUT...Jaden guessed what we were doing on the way there.  Of course, I had dressed the boys in their Texas Rangers t-shirts.  While we were eating lunch, Jaden said, "Dad, I want to go to a Texas Rangers game while we're there, can we?"  Jason just smiled and Jaden said, "Dad, I know that look. We're going, aren't we?" Jaden and Jaxon were both very excited because they are both big Rangers fans!  We had good seats by the right foul pole.  Unfortunately, we were not able to help the Rangers beat the Yankees that night despite Jason and Jaden displaying their "rally caps" late in the game.

On Thursday, we took our time getting up and around and went to find a park for them to play.  It was hot, so we decided to take them to a mall to an indoor playground instead.  

When I asked Jaden what he wanted to do that day he said,"I really want to go to another Rangers game."  Lucky for him, Jason had tickets for that night, too.  Again, he and Jaxon were very surprised and excited.  This time, we had great seats 23 rows up from the Texas Rangers on-deck circle.  

And this time, Eric (Jason's brother) and Carter (nephew) came along with us while the rest of Eric's family (April, Andrew and Mallory) went to eat and spend some time at the hotel.  Jaden and Jaxon got Texas Rangers tattoos before the game and Jaden and Carter got to try to hit the ball in center field.

We cheered very loudly and emphatically, but again we were unable to help the Rangers pull off another win.  We've been told by several people that we are not allowed to go to any more games -- especially against the Yankees.  Ugh!

On Friday, another surprise was in store for the boys.  Keeping in line with our WATER theme for the week, we took them to the NRH2O water park in North Richland Hills.  It was great fun and perfect for families with small children. Eric, April, Carter, Andrew and Mallory went with us.  There were lots of things for all of us to do (except Mallory who is almost 4 months old). Unfortunately, I didn't get many photos because we were too busy having fun all day.

Saturday, Jason and Eric decided we hadn't had enough fun so we went to a place called Adventure Landing.  Here we played two rounds of miniature golf and some arcade games. Poppa (Jason's dad) tagged along on this trip.

Jaden and Jaxon playing golf as Poppa observes.

The big kids being kids.

After we left Adventure Landing, we had to go back and get ready for the wedding -- you remember, the whole reason we went to the metroplex in the first place.  It was beautiful and we are so happy for Jeremy and Cara Lee.  All but one of Jason's cousins was able to make it.  Here is a picture of them and all the spouses we could gather.

We stopped by Abilene on the way home to wish my dad a Happy Birthday!  Then drove back to Snyder in a beautiful lightning storm.  One of the cutest and neatest things of the whole trip happened on the way home.  Jaxon has just recently started talking well and has shown a great interest in singing in the last couple of weeks.  We were all in the car singing songs from a kids praise songbook that we had in the car and Jaxon was just singing at the top of his lungs.  I wish you could have all been in the car with us to hear it.  I don't have a picture or video of it because if I would have gotten my camera out he would have stopped.  He's also become quite shy.  Anyway, it was precious and a great ending to a great trip!

Sorry for the marathon blog -- just wanted to share what we did.  Love to all!


  1. What a fun packed weekend! Looks like you had a great time!

  2. I agree... no more Rangers games for you... unless you take me (and Leslye, too I guess!) Glad you had fun!

  3. Wish I would have been with you; I am glad you had a great time!
