Monday, October 20, 2008

A Crazy Weekend

Even a "normal" weekend for us tends to be kind of crazy, but for some reason I thought this past weekend was really crazy.  We started Friday morning off with haircuts for all three boys.  Then we went to the bank to open savings accounts for Jaden and Jaxon.  They were excited, although they didn't completely understand why they were giving their money to a stranger to keep.  After trying to explain it, they were o.k. with it -- especially since they got these cool savings passport books.  :-)

Friday afternoon we headed to Abilene to run errands before the Tiger football game against Wylie.  Uncle Jeff, Aunt Tami and Cody met us in Abilene and went to the football game with us.  Then they came to Snyder with us Friday night so they could watch Jaden's game on Saturday.  

(Left) Here is Aunt Tami with Jaxon -- two of Jaden's biggest fans!  Uncle Jeff was there, too, but I didn't manage to get a picture of him.

(Right) Here is cousin Cody with the soccer star!

After Jaden's game, Jeff, Tami and Cody went back to Abilene for the day.  The four of us packed our bags and headed to Canyon to watch the ACU vs. West Texas A&M football game.  I've always wanted to go and root for ACU at a West Texas sporting event and boy did we ever!  That place was crazy with WT fans and we wore our purple proudly!  

Here is a picture I took while we were walking a VERY long way to the game.  We had to literally park on the highway and then walk about a mile and a half uphill to get to the stadium.  It was crazy!  

But I guess it was all worth it, because it was actually fun to be in the minority especially since ACU won!  Go Wildcats!

After the game we drove to Amarillo to stay with Jason's Aunt Londa and her husband John.  It was good to get to see them and we had a great time going to church with them and playing at their house on Sunday!


  1. You are far braver than I Jami. That sounds like way to much work. ;) Fun though! ;)

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend! I think when I go to West Texas with Joey, I may hide in the press box with my purple! Glad you had a good time! I guess now you have to get the purple shirts all washed up for Saturday! See you then!
