Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's Over!

After 6 games, 7 practices, at least 40 pictures and 1 video tape, our first soccer season has officially come to an end.  

Last night during our last game, Jaden took off after the first whistle blew and scored the first goal in just seconds into the game.  It happened so fast that his coach even missed it while putting the practice soccer balls in the bag.  Jason turned around and was surprised to see Jaden jumping about and pumping his fist like he had done something good.  And he had.  He scored the first goal of the last game -- and he was VERY excited!

I thought you might enjoy a short video of it.  Keep your eye on #5 (that's Jaden) and notice how all but one of his teammates come into the camera shot AFTER he scored the goal.


  1. Good video!! We enjoyed watching him play!! Can't wait for Jaxon to start playing too.

  2. Great video! Way to go to Jaden!

  3. Way to go Jaden! I wish I could have seen you play in person, but I'll settle for watching video this time! Love ya!
