Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Fun Christmas!

I'm finally getting to the posting of our Christmas fun!  I've been working on a huge project, and now that it is being proofed, I could sit down for a few minutes and post some pics of Christmas.

We had a great time with family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  We went to Abilene on Christmas Eve to spend time with all of my family.  While we were waiting on my sister and her family to get there, 8 of us (Jason, Jami, Jaden, Jaxon, Nana, Pawpaw, Uncle Joey and Aunt Leslye) all piled in our van and took a drive to Christmas Lane.  If you don't know, this is at the Abilene State School where they have a drive-thru Christmas light display.  They also have phone booths where the kids can talk to Santa's elves.  Jaden was very willing to do this, but the elf asked if he had been a good "girl" and so they didn't go over too well.
Jaxon was willing at first...
And then decided he didn't really want any part of that...
Here are Jaden, Cody (my nephew) and Jaxon as we were singing Christmas carols.  This is our Christmas tradition that we go around the room and everyone has to pick a song to sing.  Once everyone has picked a song, then we get to open our presents.
We then had LOTS of fun opening all our presents.  Jaxon was very excited about the camera that Nana and Pawpaw gave him.
He was taking pictures of everything -- even his own foot:
On Christmas Day, we had the big traditional meal and played with everyone's new toys and games.  It was fun!  Then my brother-in-law Jeff decided it would be fun for us all to go bowling.  There was a place in Abilene that opened at 5 p.m.  So, we all loaded up and headed to the bowling alley.
After bowling, the four of us headed back to Snyder to open our own Christmas and see what Santa brought the boys.  They both fell asleep on the way home, so they were a little "out of it" when we got there.  After we finally woke them up, we had fun opening our gifts.  Jaden was very excited to get a V-smile Cyber Pocket from Santa as well as the "Bee Movie" and a Lightning McQueen watch in his stocking.  Jaxon got a V-tech learning computer and the "Horton Hears a Who" movie and a Lightning McQueen watch as well.

The boys gave me two very sweet books ("Let's Go On a Mommy Date" and "Let Me Hold You Longer").  
The boys gave Jason the game of Blokus which we all enjoy playing.
Hope you all had as wonderful a Christmas as we did!  Love to all of you!


  1. It was a great Christmas. Thanks for the good stuff!

  2. yeah i really enjoyed it thanks again for the stuff
