Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yes, we actually "rang in" the new year last night.  We took this right before the boys got their pjs on to go to bed.

We had a great night, though, even if it was late.  We went to church for a devotional at 6 p.m. and then we were going to go get something to eat and go to Rick and Kellye's house. (For those of you who are reading this and do not know who Rick and Kellye are -- they are my brother's wife's parents and my kids' third set of grandparents  :-).  As we were standing outside deciding what to eat, Kellye said, "Let's go make breakfast."  So we did.  We ran by our house and got a few things and went to their house and made a big breakfast for supper.  It was yummy!  

Then, they wanted to play 42.  You may not know this, but I do not play 42.  I have never "gotten it" and just don't like to play it.  But I did.  And it was fun!  They all helped me quite a bit to get the hang of the game and we had a great time.  

Of course, I didn't have my camera to take a picture of ALL the game-playing that was going on.  Kellye was sitting on the end of the table actually playing THREE different games at the same time.  That's right, folks.  "Grandma" Kellye was pacifying our kids with a game each while she was playing 42 with us.  Go Kellye!

For us not to have any plans for New Year's Eve -- we ended up having a great time!  Thanks Rick and Kellye for a wonderful evening!  Maybe we can make this a Snyder New Year's Eve tradition -- breakfast for supper and a game of 42.  It will probably be the only time I play 42 all year long.  :-)


  1. Glad ya'll had a great time! I too am usually a once a year 42 player and did not get it in during 2008. I know that mom and dad enjoyed the New Year's Eve party! Happy New Year!

  2. We had a wonderful time!!! Thanks for sharing the time with us!

  3. I love breakfast anytime of the day! Glad y'all had a great one, we did too!

    Happy New Year!
