Monday, December 22, 2008

Great time with family!

We had our Christmas with the Wests this past weekend.  Eric, April, Carter, Andrew and Mallory all came to Snyder and we hung out at Memaw and Poppa's house most of the weekend.  It was fun!  The boys played until they just about dropped every night and then wanted to play some more the minute they woke up the next morning.

Eric, April and Mallory went home yesterday, but Carter and Andrew get to stay in Snyder until Tuesday.  Jaden and Jaxon were very excited about that.  So, we went and picked them up this morning and took them to our weekly library story time.  They had fun listening to the Christmas books the librarians read.

Then tonight Jason and I took all four boys to look at Christmas lights for a little while.
When we got back to Memaw and Poppa's house, a very rousing game of Slap Jack took place before we headed home.  You can't tell it from this picture, but it really was a little too exciting -- cards were flying, hands were getting slapped a little too hard and crying started to happen -- so the game had to be stopped.
We have had a fun time and I think the boys will probably go into "cousin withdrawals" tomorrow when they don't get to see Carter and Andrew.  Isn't it great to have cousins to play with?!

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