Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weekend Fun!

So far, my week has been pretty crazy so I'm just now posting about the weekend.  We got to go spend the weekend with my sister and her family in Olney.  We had so much fun!  Saturday, the girls (my mom, my grandmother, my sister and I) got to go to Wichita Falls earlier than the guys to do a little shopping.  Yeah for me!  :-)

Then, the guys (my dad, my brother-in-law, my nephew and Jason, Jaden and Jaxon) all met us there for supper.  After we ate, we went to Midwestern State University to see their big Christmas light display.  Here's a picture of Jaxon, Cody and Jaden out in the cold.

On Sunday, we were able to see Cody in a Christmas program at the First Baptist Church in Olney.  It was great to get to see him perform.  Here's a couple of not very good photos.  I tried to go without the flash so as to not make a huge scene of taking pictures, but it didn't get me very good pictures.  In the first picture Cody is the second on the left (with the microphone).  In the second picture, Cody is the one in the top right hand corner.  It was really a fun program and we are so blessed that we got to see it.

Before we went home on Sunday afternoon, they took us to see Cody's two pigs that he's working with to show in the stock show.  I believe this photo below is of Cody and Porkchop.

Jaden really wanted to help walk the pigs, but didn't really want to get too close.  It's hard to see in this picture that he does have a pig bat, but as you can see, he is no where near the pig.  So, Uncle Jeff was trying to help him, but...

...he eventually had to get up a little higher to make sure the pig (I believe this one is Petunia) was not going to get him.
As you can see, Jaxon was not anywhere near the camera because he wanted no part of the pigs.  He was content looking at them from several feet away.


  1. Sweet pictures of three wonderful grandsons. Someday you are going to have REAL pigs in your backyard. :-) Just think it would cut down on the mowing--a sweet smelling pig pen on the north side and a swimming pool on the south. We really had a fun time this weekend as always when we are with our family!!

  2. Wish we could have been there to share in the fun. Good pics. See you soon!

  3. yeah i really enjoyed it
