Sunday, January 18, 2009

An Exciting Day!

Today, my family got to witness something very exciting!  My nephew, Cody, was baptized.  And it was a wonderful thing to be able to see.  

Don't you always wonder how your kids are going to turn out?  I do.  And I wonder about my nephews and nieces, as well.  I wonder what they're going to be in life.  And I wonder if they'll follow Jesus all their life.  But, you know -- we shouldn't wonder.  We should PRAY.  And we should pray hard because God is going to take care of them.  He has a plan.

Today part of that plan was carried out and I was able to be there to witness it, along with most of my family.  It was a great day!He asked his Dad to baptize him.  Cody, we are proud of you!

The first part of the weekend was spent watching Cody show his two pigs -- Petunia and Porkchop.  That's the reason Jaden, Jaxon and I went to Olney in the first place.  He took third and fifth place with his pigs and did a great job!
The rest of the weekend, when we weren't at the livestock barn, was spent at Uncle Jeff and Aunt Tami's -- mostly playing with Cody's new Guitar Hero game.  It was very fun!


  1. It was a great weekend - especially today! You can read our blog with the same news just different account!

    We are glad we got to see y'all!

  2. It was a WONDERFUL and fun weekend! Our family is truly blessed!

  3. YEAH i really loved it that was a great day when i got baptized

  4. Thanks for sharing with everyone, especially since I don't have our blog up yet. It was a very special weekend and we're glad you guys were here to share it with us!

  5. We have a new Bon Jovi in the hous and that is [Jaden]
