Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jaden, the Pizza Man

I know I haven't posted in a while.  There just hasn't been much going on in the last week.  

I did, however, forget to post about another one of Jaden's cooking experiments.  His cookbook that he got for Christmas had a recipe for pizza in there and he's been wanting to make it for some time now.  Well, last Thursday, we finally took the time to do it.  He had so much fun!

I helped him with the crust because he didn't really like getting his hands dirty with the dough (yes, he is just like his daddy in that he doesn't like to get dirty :-); and I helped him spread the sauce because he was afraid he might make a mess with that; but everything else, he did on his own.  He loaded one pizza down with hamburger meat and one pizza with pepperonis.  And they were good.  It was a yummy lunch!  Way to go, Jaden!

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