Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Day with Nana and Pawpaw

My parents are on spring break this week so today they came to Snyder just to play with the boys for the day.  It was great for all of us because it allowed me to get some classroom work done at the church building.

The boys were very excited this morning when they woke up.  They said, "Yeah, today Nana and Pawpaw are coming!"  And they didn't hardly let them get out of their car before they were saying "Let's do 'this' and let's do 'that.'"  :-)

As I was driving by the park, I snapped a couple of pictures (I know my mom will love me for that):

Nana about to push Jaxon on the swing.

Pawpaw playing ball with Jaden.  I don't know if you can tell, but at the bottom left of this photo is a picture of a whole bag of stuff they took to the park to play with.

In all the story telling to me of what went on today, I think they ended up going to the park 3 or 4 times, to McDonald's for lunch and playing on that playground, to the school's playground late this afternoon, to Wal-Mart, and I'm sure they played some baseball, too.  I'm also sure that somewhere in there was REST time -- haha!

I bet all four of them will sleep well tonight.  Thanks, Nana and Pawpaw for a fun day!  

1 comment:

  1. We had a wonderful and fun time with the boys! Thank you for letting us have them all day!! We are truly blessed.
