Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's That Time of Year

Just in case you didn't know it -- it's baseball season!

And with the weather being so nice lately, Jaxon, Jaden and I have already played A LOT of baseball (at least A LOT in my opinion  :-).

Tonight when Jason came home from work for a little while, they wouldn't even let him change his clothes because they wanted him to play so badly.  So, we all four played a "game" of baseball out in the driveway.

A side note to baseball season:  I was doing a little complaining yesterday because Jaden got another hole in another pair of jeans which I was saying only left him a couple of pair without holes in them.  Anyway, Jaden said, "Mom, it's baseball season.  I'm gonna slide.  Holes are gonna happen."  He's right.  I guess I better get over it and go buy some patches.

1 comment:

  1. hey im ready. i have baseball tryouts saturday. i hope whoever reads this will come to watch me hit a homer

